For 2023, StarLight Academy have appointed 2 head girls and 2 student teachers to be the liaison between the dancers and the teachers.

They assist the teachers when necessary and they are the role models for StarLight Academy.

Fayda May-Tiernan and Kellie Smith

Head Girls

Fayda and Kellie are the StarLight head girls for 2023.

They were chosen for this role due to their amazing work ethos.

Their amazing communication skills, kindness and technical skills.

They have been with us for almost 8 years training in every genre of dance.

They support and encourage every dancer and are first to volunteer for any task at StarLight.

StarLight have sponsored these girls for 2023

We are honoured to have them as our head girls

April Churchill and Emily Taylor

Student Teachers

April and Emily are the StarLight Student Teachers

They assist in classes, help with the younger students, teach in our camps and mind the students on competition days.

They hope to be the future teachers at StarLight.

We are delighted to have student teachers to help at StarLight.